The Art of Howl's Moving Castle
(Studio Ghibli Library)
Izdavac: Viz Media
Autor: Hayao Miyazaki
Dimenzije: 210 x 298 x 25mm | 1,533g
Format: Hardback | 256 strana
Publication date: 7 July 2005(rijedak primjerak)
Series: Howl’s Moving Castle
Category: Art Book
*Dostupni su i druge mange, artbookovi, enciklopedije Studia Ghibli
*Dobavljamo Mange, Stripove i Knjige po zelji i dogvoru.
A hardback, prestige format book with a generous collection of concept sketches, fully rendered character and background drawings, paintings and cell images. Along with the stunning visuals, the book also presents interviews and comments with the production staff, including key points from the director.
Based on the novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, internationally renown director Hayao Miyazaki brings to life a fantastical time in 19th century Europe when science and magic defined the popular zeitgeist. A smash success in Japan, VIZ presents The Art of Howl's Moving Castle, a hardbound, prestige format book which acts as an essential companion to the film. A generous collection of concept sketches, fully rendered character and background drawings, paintings and cell images, The Art of Howl's Moving Castle brings the movie into your library.
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