TP-Link Wireless Print Server WPS510U Bežični server

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  • 80 KM 14.11.2024 - u 07:55 sati
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Datum objave 23.10.2024

Detaljni opis

Uređaj koji pretvara USB printer u WIFI (bežični)

Print server TP-WP510U

Za Windows 7 postoji software tj aplikacija za podešavanje.

Aplikacija ne radi na Windows 10/11 i mora se sve ručno namjestiti.


150Mbps Pocket-Sized Wireless Print Server

High compatibility with most majorities of printers on the market

Share the printing wirelessly, the speed up to 150Mbps

USB 2.0 High-Speed Printer Connection

Support 64/128 bits WEP Encryption and WPA/WPA2-PSK security

Interface USB 2.0 Port

Power Consumption 3.3V DC

LED Indicator Power, Wireless

Dimensions ( W x D x H ) 65 x 40 x 19mm

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